Co-operation between Parents and the School authorities is very important for the ultimate achievement of the school’s objectives in the education of the pupils. It is essential that Parents carry out their responsibilities as Joint Educators with the school authorities.
Here are a few guidelines to ensure a healthy and interactive relationship between Parents and the School.
- Parents should take a keen interest in every aspect of the school curriculum. The attendance of parents at all school functions will be deeply appreciated.
- It is the duty of parents to ensure that their children come to school punctually and are always neat and cleanly dressed.
- Parents are requested to sign school reports when issued to avoid any inconvenience to their child.
- If a pupil is likely to be absent from school for a long period of time, the parents must inform the Principal by e-mail at the earliest or the child’s name will be struck off the rolls.
- Parents and Guardians are requested to notify the school office in case of any change in details such as name, phone numbers, residential address etc.
- Complaints, if any, should be addressed to the Principal and not to the class or subject teachers.
- Parents and guardians must attend all Open Days held in the school to speak to all concerned teachers on a one on one basis so as to be updated about their child’s performance in studies as well as other areas.
- Parents and Guardians who wish to speak to any teacher on other school days may do so only with the express permission of the Principal.
- The school will not be responsible for any goods, money or books lost by the students therefore it is advisable to mark all the child’s belongings with their name and avoid giving the child any expensive and unnecessary articles.
- Criticism of the school or any teacher in front of the child must be strictly avoided so as not to demean the institution or any person in front of them, which could be a serious setback to their learning experience.
Your daughter is our priority and we look forward to a strong, honest and lasting bond between you and the school.