A medical fitness certificate to be submitted certifying that the student has not been in contact with any contagious disease at the time of joining the school.

Children must have their eyes, teeth and ears examined and attended to before joining school. Defects in any may cause serious detriment to health and will certainly hinder the child’s studies.

BED WETTERS ARE NOT ACCEPTED: Parents will be requested to withdraw the child if she found wetting her bed.

Should there be any sickness in the station the pupils will not be permitted to leave the school.

  • A Medical Officer's certificate of health stating "Fit to join" must be submitted with the Admission Form.
  • All the children should be given Hepatitis 'A' & 'B' vaccination and certificate produced.
  • Parents giving medicines to their children must inform Sister Superior with the prescriptions from the doctor.
  • Parents are advised to get their children's eyes and teeth checked and properly treated during the holidays. No leave will be granted during the school session.